haiku art

  1798 Hits

haiku art

A selection of Haiku and images.  

  3495 Hits

AmericanMental available late June

…from the edge of the Anthropocene…AmericanMental: a dissonant, spoken word/guitar thrash state of disunion, dismantlement, dissolution. AmericanMental (n) audio manifesto indicting a failed system; a moral bankruptcy. Inert, impotent, pundit-weary. ...

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  2503 Hits

Mike’s Great Stuff

AmericanMental, Luchador Press, 2020  Here is a poet making known the complaints that bounce around unexpressed inside our own heads, a kind of Larry David with line breaks. In a rare upbeat moment, he writes, "of course there's people/being bor...

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  6943 Hits


(Live @ The Howland 10/5/12)

(Live on Central Avenue, Albany 10/15/12)

(Spoken Aggregate, Widow Jane Mine, Rosendale 8/26/12, w/Marina Mati & Irene O'Garden)

(Tanning My Wounds, from CD Guided by Anxiety, 1999)

(Live @ the Art Society Kingston, 12/12)

(Paragraph 4 (Live @ Club Harmony, Woodstock)
  3091 Hits

Writing, Reviews, Reading Series

A miscellany of my works, including lots of Jazz writing and reviews.



Calling All Poets Series is a monthly poetry/writing reading series, featuring poets from the Hudson Valley and beyond.

Mike Jurkovic on All About Jazz

Mike Jurkovic, Reviewer, member page on All About Jazz. All About Jazz is the world's largest jazz network, helping fans and professionals like Mike Jurkovic discover music and connect.
  3472 Hits

Screaming Jay Hawkins and Me in Our Prime


I'm lost in a parking lot on the left coast

w/an Afghan Kush and Grey Goose buzz

when Screamin' Jay Hawkins

jumps the Sierra's screaming:

"What can I do w/eighty-six kids

'n each momma wantin' my jam?!"

"Get in motherfucker!" I salvo,

kicking the gas like a mule bucks gravity.

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Ping Pong

I ping pong between machines

for what? To calibrate my steps

towards the dirt nap? To tend my cell,

my contusions? To email the news

of a fellow cognate's imminent promotion

from this warring plain?

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Escape From Ellenville

a child of highway and wine

still doing what I did

decades ago. Jazz and the sad momento

following me through town and hamlet

city and scape. Monk's mood and Trane

blowin' by the riverside – finding the notes

coursing the curves. The sun in the East, then West

rising, falling like love itself

bridges, streams – the four way stop.

  2856 Hits


I never did get back to Topeka.

What was the point? There were pipe bombs

in every direction. Just like here.

Up n down. Forward, back.

Horizon to horizon. Moon to moon

n Grandma's down eight fingers n falling

into her chili n chips as Pop Pop swears at Quick Draw

  3033 Hits

what I listen for

I don't mean for this to sound overly dismissive or wise-ass, but as much as I love to write -

about history, music, politics - I love editing more. Thus my natural migration towards poetry and, obsessively of late, haiku. The fewer words for me the better. Maybe I stay out of trouble that way.

Or maybe it's sheer laziness. To the chagrin of many friends who egg me on to finish either of the two novels I've started, the first a sullen tale of a copy cat headline making serial killer, Tuesday's Assassin, and my rock n roll murder mystery The Blonde with Blue Shoes (Jack Maverick is the down and out gumshoe hero) lie side by side on a shelf somewhere, famished and unfinished. 

  3608 Hits